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You Deserve to Feel spAQtacular

Our Mission

At spAQtacular, our mission is to empower individuals on their journey to holistic wellness, guiding them towards vibrant health and spiritual harmony. Drawing inspiration from nature’s bounty and ancient wisdom, we curate premium supplements that nourish the mind, body, and spirit. Through meticulous selection of organic ingredients and innovative formulations, we strive to elevate well-being, promoting vitality, clarity, and balance in every aspect of life.

Rooted in compassion and integrity, we believe in the transformative power of generosity. Through our Pay-AQ-Forward initiative, we extend our reach to those in need, ensuring that wellness is accessible to all, regardless of circumstance. Our commitment to service and community drives us to create meaningful connections and foster a culture of support and empowerment.

With a deep reverence for the interconnectedness of all beings, we honor the sacred journey of each individual, guiding them towards self-discovery and empowerment. Together, we envision a world where every soul shines with the radiance of inner peace and vitality. Join us on this journey to reawaken the spirit and embrace the limitless potential of holistic wellness.

spAQtacular 18

Organic Dietary Supplement


SKU 369-AQ18
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“You Deserve to FEEL spAQtacular
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Product Details


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Dietary Supplement

18 Ingredients With Powerful Health Benefits*
Includes Vort8x Water – The Elevated Consciousness H2O*
  • Promotes Vital Energy and Youthful Vigor*
  • Supports Cognitive Sharpness*
  • Supports Gut Health*
One Ounce a Day (30 mL)
Large 32oz Bottle For One Month’s Supply

The List of 18 Ingredients:

  1. Vort8x Water
  2. Organic Lemon Juice
  3. Organic Turmeric
  4. Organic Ginger
  5. Organic Clove
  6. Organic Shilajit
  7. Organic Honey
  8. Organic Cayenne Pepper
  9. Organic Apple Cider Vinegar
  10. Organic Cordyceps Mushroom
  11. Organic Reishi Mushroom
  12. Organic Lions Mane Mushroom
  13. Organic Turkey Tail Mushroom
  14. Organic Kings Trumpet Mushroom
  15. Organic Coconut
  16. Organic Coffee
  17. Organic Black Pepper
  18. Organic Celtic Salt
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